ZEcret Santa 2018 Reminder

Deadline Reminder!

Hey guys! Just a reminder ZEcret Santa gifts are due on December 12th! Please submit all gifts here.

If you need an extension, please send us a message.

Happy holidays and merry gifting!

To those who want to post their fics on AO3, you can either send them to us or post them on AO3 yourselves. Instructions under the cut.

If you want the zecretsanta mod account to post your fic on AO3 for you:

1, Submit your fic to the ZEcret Santa blog with the following info on top:

Your AO3 username:


Archive Warning:



Additional tags:



Notes: (If you want)

2, We’ll post the fic on AO3 as a draft and add you as a co-creator. This means you can view and edit the fic before we post it.

3, We post the fic on the same day your tumblr submission gets posted.

If you want to post your fic on AO3 on your own:

1, Add your fic to the ZEcret Santa 2018 collection


2, Generate a link to your fic (without posting) by saving is as a draft. Click preview once you’ve filled the necessary info:


On preview mode, AO3 will then give you the option to save your work without posting:


Copy the link of your Fic Draft and paste it on your submission post. Please wait until your fic gets posted on the @zecretsanta blog before posting on AO3!

That’s it! 😀 Good luck with the gifting!! ❤

If you receive an AO3 notification saying your fic was added to the ZEcret Santa 2016 collection, that’s just me doing some house cleaning and finally creating a ZS 2016 collection, which I should have done ages ago. 

So what we have now is the main ZEcret Santa collection where all fics posted on ao3 for ZEcret Santa will be shown. While subcollections are now (finally) sorted by year. Yay! 

– Mod D

This is in case we decide to host ZEcret Santa exclusively on AO3 next year. But it’s just a thing us mods are thinking about. It definitely depends on what the fandom prefers. I do like having the subcollections finally sorted tho :”D

hi i actally was thinking of deleting my account in a week but id still like to participate? is there a way to maybe email you my entry?

Hey, yeah that’s fine! You can absolutely email your submission to zecretsantamods@gmail.com , just let us know what your username was so that your giftee can identify you. Also we ask that you do look for the gift made from you. It would be a shame if your santa worked hard on their gift and got no feedback. Perhaps you can send them an anon if they’re open to it?

Or you can always send us a message and we can post it/pass on your thanks!

Happy gifting!

-Mod J

are the gifts due next week or on the 20th? :o

Gifts are due on the 12th! And posting starts on the 20th. 

Sorry if this wasn’t clear! We decided to have the deadline for the submissions a week from the actual posting because it gives us time to 1) schedule the posts and 2) give the pinch hitter heads up so they can finish a submission in case someone drops out. 

You can also ask for an extension if you need to! Just send us an ask or message the mod account! 😀

-Mod D

Hi guys! In light of the recent update in the tumblr TOS we’d like to remind you to keep your gifts safe for work, (or try to avoid drawing something that might trigger the algorithm, because who knows if fanart of people wearing swimsuits on the beach might do that).

But also, how is everyone doing? Deadlines are next week and we look forward to your gifts!

If you need an extension or to drop out, please tell us so we know what to expect and arrange for a pinch hitter if needed. 

Good luck with the gifting! 

❤ Mods D, J, and B 

If we’re planning to post our gift to AO3, do we just submit the URL to you, or should we copy and paste the gift itself into the submission box too?

Hi! Yes, we’d appreciate if you copy/paste the fic into the submission box and give us the url of the fic on ao3 as well. 😀 There’s a quick instruction in our FAQs page.  

We have checked if posts with links to sites outside of tumblr still pop up in the tags and they seem to do so? But just in case they don’t, the mods are going to think of a way to get the links to AO3 out anyway.  

Thanks so much and good luck with the ficcing!!

-Mod D

im sad i missed this cause i got into the fandom a few days later than the sign ups closed :'(

Oh no! 😦

You can still join us for the bonus round, anon! If there are any prompts you want to fill, you can submit to us and we’ll post it during the bonus round on 26 December. Or you can post on your blog and @ us so can reblog from you. (Granted that means you’ll be making a gift but not receiving any orz)

There’s definitely still next year! We’re planning on running this as long as people are interested :”D

-Mod D

Zecret Santa Update

Hey guys just a quick update! Signups are closed for Zecret Santa. We’re working on doing the pairings today, and then starting tomorrow we’ll start sending out emails. If you don’t hear from us about your match by Wednesday Nov. 14th, then please reach out to us!

Hope you’re looking forward to getting started on your gifts! I know we are!

❤ Mod J  

Zecret Santa Sign Ups Close on Friday!

Friday is the last day for sign ups, so if you’re thinking about participating be sure to get your wishlist in!

The sign up form can be found here!

You can find the current Santas’ List here.

For more details and deadlines, check out our info page! And of course, if you have any questions, feel free to shoot us an ask!